This is Blue Note

For the average person, sticky notes are a simple thing that exist in the background of life, providing quiet aid but not worth a great deal of thought.

Well, be prepared to have that idea totally turned on its head.

Blue Note is a society dedicated to unveiling the secret power of the sticky note for all sorts of incredible purposes: forming awesome new habits, kicking old negative ones, empowering your memory and recall, accelerating the learning process and so much more.

It’s true! The humble set of papers all stuck together in your desk drawer can do all that, and more than you could ever dream or imagine. Join us on our journey to preach the wonders of sticky notes to the world – you won’t regret it!

Why Blue Note?

Blue is known as a calming colour, one that doesn’t necessarily arrest the attention or draw the eye. 

So what better colour is there to prove the incredible capability of the sticky note? You don’t need bright red, hot pink, vibrant yellow or neon green. Even with a mid-level blue sticky note, you can begin to change your life today, simply by following some basic principles.

Of course, you can use whatever colour sticky note you like, but the principle of the blue note remains the same: even when you think you don’t notice a sticky note, it’s always there. They’ve always been here, ready to make our lives better and more productive. All you have to do is grab your note stack, scribble a message, peel off the adhesive and get ready for life to never be the same again.